Na stronie znajduje się odnośnik do materiałów poświęconych konfliktowi stworzenie-ewolucja w jęz. angielskim.Można za darmo ściągnąć sporo filmów w formacie real audio.Pozwolę sobie podać tytuły-może kogoś zainteresują
A Question of Origins 60 minute documentary by Eternal Productions (46.5MB RealPlayer file)
Astronomy and the Bible 56 min seminar by Mike Riddle taken October 2003 in Bellevue, WA. The PowerPoint file is also available and may be viewed online or downloaded for personal use. A professional quality DVD of this program is also available.
Can You Defend What You Believe? 60 minute seminar by Mike Riddle from presentation on 2/8/04 (18MB QuickTime file).
Creation / Evolution: Does it Matter What We Believe - This 55 minute talk by Mike Riddle is based on his book of the same title that may be downloaded here. The PowerPoint file used is available and may be viewed online or downloaded for personal use. A professional-quality DVD of this program may also be purchased.
The Dinosaur Puzzle 48 minute seminar by Donald Chittick, which was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004. (16.3MB Windows Media file)
Fingerprints of Creation 33minute documentary by Robert Gentry (8MB RealPlayer file)
From a Frog to a Prince: Biological Evidence of Creation 27 minute documentary by Keziah and American Portrait Films. (7.3MB RealPlayer file)
Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution 50 minutes each by Exploration Films. (excerpts only)
In the Beginning: Catastrophic Plate Tectonics and the Genesis Flood 27 minute documentary by Keziah and American Portrait Films.
The Ice Age: Only the Bible Can Explain it - 44 minute seminar by Michael Oard that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004. (14.5 MB Windows Media file)
The Image of God - Human Origins: Creation or Evolution? 27 minute documentary by Keziah and American Portrait Films.
Is Man a Machine? 56 minute lecture by A.E. Wilder-Smith. (22MB RealPlayer file)
Is Naturalistic Biogenesis Scientific? 42 minute college lecture by A.E. Wilder-Smith. (17MB RealPlayer file)
The Miracle in the Cell 38 min documentary by Harun Yahya (78.5MB MPEG file)
Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for Catastrophe docu-lecture by Steven Austin (2 min excerpt only)
The Origin of Life 1:22 minute college lecture by A.E. Wilder-Smith. (32MB RealPlayer file)
The Privileged Planet 60 minute documentary by Illustra Media (excerpt only)
The Puzzle of Ancient Man 47 minute seminar by Donald Chittick based on his book of the same title, which was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004. (15.8MB Windows Media file)
Raging Waters: Evidence of the Genesis Flood in Australia 27 minute documentary by Keziah and American Portrait Films.
Scientific Evidences for a Young Earth - 52 minute seminar by Thomas Kindell that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004. (21.7 MB Windows Media file)
Starlight and Time 23 minute documentary by Russell Humphreys (5.3MB RealPlayer file)
Startling Evidence that Noah's Flood Really Happened 59 minute seminar by Michael Oard, which was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004. (21.4 MB Windows Media file).
Thermodynamic Arguments for Creation - 62 minute seminar by Thomas Kindell that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004. (25.4 MB Windows Media)
Unlocking the Mystery of Life 67 minute documentary by Illustra Media (7.7MB RealPlayer file - excerpt only)
Voyage Inside the Cell 13 minute documentary by Christian Sardet, Andreas Koch, Laurent Larsonneur (4.8 MB RealPlayer file)
Offsite Videos and Animated Presentations
* Access Research Network - Interviews with Intelligent Design Scientists
o Stasis- A Natural Phenomenon (multiple interviews)
o Interview with Michael J. Behe
o Interview with H. Fritz Schaefer
o Interview with James W. Valentine
o Interview with Robert Newman
o Interview with Phillip E. Johnson
o Focus on the Origin of Life- Dean H. Kenyon
o Focus on the Origin of Life- Dr. Charles Thaxton
* Amazing Discoveries Online Seminars & Sample video clips
* A. E. Wilder-Smith college and church lectures
* Alpha Nova Programs by the CRSEF
o Carbon-14 Dating Fact and Fiction
o Into the Schools
* CNN Newsroom with guest Joe Baker
* Creatia Live Broadcasts and Video Archive in QuickTime
* Creation, Dinosaurs and thE Flood - Large collection of seminars by Charlie Liebert
o Animals 1.95 Mb
o Creation 1.53 Mb
o Creation and Evolution Compared 1.14 Mb
o DNA and Animals 1.20 Mb
o Evolution 1.43 Mb
o FAQs Can you marry a relative? What was T-Rex created to eat? 956 kb
o Fossils and missing links 3.5 Mb
o Introduction (Goldsboro) 1.20 Mb
o NWCN Online StoreLiving Organisms 1.7 Mb
o What is Creation Science 1.26 Mb
o Seminar Summary 1.95 Mb
o Implications of Evolution 1.2 Mb
* The Interactive Bible Videos and Quotes by Don Patton
o Biblical Age of the Earth
o Biological similarities and embryology debunked!
o Creation Evidence From Mexico Ancient Ceramic Dinosaurs
o Creation Evidence From South America - Dinosaurs in Ancient Art
o Fossil Man
o The Fossil Record
o The Laws of Science
o Malachite Man - humans found in Dakota sandstone where dinosaurs are found.
o Record of the Rocks
o Scientific Age of the Earth
o What is Creation Science
* Creation Research Foundation Real Player Videos (Turkey)
* Creation Science Evangelism by Kent Hovind
o Seminar Videos
+ Part 1---The Age of the Earth
+ Part 2---The Garden of Eden
+ Part 3---Dinosaurs and the Bible
+ Part 4---Lies in the Textbooks
+ Part 5---The Dangers of Evolution
+ Part 6---The Hovind Theory
+ Part 7---Question and Answer Session
o Debate videos
+ Debate Video #3 Kent Hovind and Mike Schultz
+ Debate Video #8 Kent Hovind and William Moore
+ Debate Video #10 (zip) file
+ Dr. Hovind Debates Dr. Meyers
+ Dr. Hovind and Dr. Rainbow (zip)
+ Dr. Hovind and Dr. Shermer (zip)
o Blue Letter Bible - RealVideos of Dr. Kent Hovind's seminar
* NWCN Online StoreDinosaurs and the Bible by Gary Parker
* Evolution & Providence - June 2000, Video archive of the CTNS organized and hosted a workshop with Duane Gish, Stephen Meyer, etc.
* Evolutionist-converting Videos with accompanying documentation for each by Don Patton
o Text book Fraud! - Documentation
o Creation evidence From Mexico - Photos on line
o Creation evidence from South America - Photos on line - Documentation (quotes)
o Scientific Age of the earth - Documentation (quotes)
o Biblical Age of the earth - Documentation (quotes)
o Fossil Man - Documentation (quotes) and photos
o The Fossil Record - Documentation (quotes)
o Record of the rocks - Documentation (quotes)
o What is creation Science - Documentation (quotes)
* Focus on Origins Series on University of California Television
o Can Science Know the Mind of God? Phillip Johnson
o Convergent Evolution Fazale Rana
o Creation of the Cosmos Walter Bradley
o Darwinism on Trial Phillip Johnson
o Darwinism: Science of Philosophy? Phillip Johnson
o Darwinism: Science or Philosophy Phillip Johnson
o Evolution in Action: Darwin's Finches of the Galapagos Islands Peter Rosemary Grant
o Focus on Darwinism Dean Kenyon
o From the Big Bang to Biology Robert Newman
o NWCN Online StoreFrom the Big Bang to Irreducible Complexity Michael Behe
o Icons of Evolution Jonathon Wells
o Irreducible Complexity: The Biochemical Challenge to Darwinism Michael Behe
o On Darwinism Phillip Johnson
o On Darwinism Michael Denton
o On the Origin and Design of the Cosmos Dr. Strauss
o On the Origin of Life Charles Thaxton
o On the Origin of Life Dean Kenyon
o On the Origin of Phyla James Valentine
o On the Theory of Conservation Art Battson
o On the Theory of Evolution Panel Discussion
o Paradigm of Design: The Bacterial Flagellum Dr. Minnich
o Raising Questions About Evolution in the Schools Phillip E. Johnson
o Spectrum: Secrets in the Stardust Marina Fomenkova
o The Blind Watchmaker Phillip Johnson
o The Journey: In Search of Our Origins Part II Panel Discussion
o The Journey: Searching For Our Origins Part 1 Panel Discussion
o The Origins of Altruism & Human Morality Jeffrey Schloss
o The Retinal Blind Spot in the Scientific Vision of our Origins Alan Wallace
o The Rhetoric of Charles Darwin John Angus
o The Right Questions Phillip E. Johnson
* God's Awesome Creation simple animated movie by Christian Paradise Creation Directory
* Hydroplate Theory - 5 min presentation by Walt Brown
* Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution - Video Clips
* Kid Explorers Video Clips by Christian See the rainforest move
* Opening Darwin's Black Box by Michael Behe - Interview
o "The Flagellum" 1:09, 1,671K
o "The Cilium" 1:17, 1,920K
* Media Index for The Science and Religion Course Program by CTNS Huge Collection of Video and Audio Files
* Reasons to Believe Real Player Videos
* Sample Video clips by Amazing Discoveries Multimedia
* The ASA / Templeton Lectures 1999-2003 RealPlayer Videos
* The Collapse of Evolution - A documentary based on the books of the Muslim author Harun Yahya. Available in 3 forms.
o An Interactive Audio-Visual Presentation using Flash Fast Connections
o Online RealPlayer Video Clip
o Series of Mpeg downloads
* The Gospel in Genesis Videos by Present Truth Magazine and Answers in Genesis. An Excellent Lineup of Videos!!
o A Walk Through Genesis - Part I Seminar by Ken Ham
o A Walk Through Genesis - Part II Seminar by Ken Ham
o Biological Evidence of Creation: From a Frog to a Prince Educational documentary by Keziah
o Creation Evangelism Seminar by Ken Ham
o NWCN Online StoreCreation and the Christian Faith Seminar by Ken Ham
o D Is For Dinosaur 15min kids program based on the book of the same title
o Dinosaurs and the Bible Seminar by Gary Parker
o Dinosaurs: Missionary Lizards Seminar by Ken Ham
o Evidence for a Young World 51min Seminar by Dr. Russell Humphreys
o Evolution: The Anti-God Religion of Death Seminar by Ken Ham
o The Eyes Have It 50 min seminar by David Menton
o Facts and Bias: Creation vs. Evolution Seminar by Ken Ham
o The Family Answers Video Seminar by Ken Ham
o Fossils and the Flood Seminar by Gary Parker
o From Evolution to Creation Seminar by Gary Parker
+ From Evolution to Creation - ICR Impact Article No. 49 1977
o Genes and Genesis Seminar by Gary Parker
o Genesis and the Decay of the Nations - Part I Seminar by Ken Ham
o Genesis and the Decay of the Nations - Part II Seminar by Ken Ham
o Grand Canyon: A Biblical View of Earth History Seminar by Andrew Snelling PhD
o In the Beginning: Catastrophic Plate Tectonics and the Genesis Flood 28min documentary by Keziah and American Portrait Films
o The Key To Reclaiming The Culture 41min seminar by Ken Ham (unknown location)
o The Image of God 27min documentary by Keziah and American Portrait Films
o Life Before Birth: the Creator's Blueprint Seminar by Gary Parker
o The Monkey Trial Seminar by Ken Ham
o Radiocarbon, Creation and the Genesis Flood 45min Seminar by Dr. Russell Humphreys
o Raging Waters 28 min documentary by Keziah and American Portrait Films
o What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? Seminar by Ken Ham
o Where did God come from? 53min Seminar by Ken Ham at Thomas Road Baptist Church with Jerry Fallwell
o Creation 2003 seminar Videos by AIG May 22–26, 2003 Higher Ground Conference & Retreat Center West Harrison, Indiana (USA)
+ Noah's Flood: Evidence in Australia 58min seminar by Tas Walker
+ Radioactive Decay Update- Breaking Down the Old Age Paradigm 53min seminar by Keith Wanser
+ The Relevance Of Physics, Cosmology & Astronomy For Young-Earth Creation 70min seminar by Keith Wanser
+ Wild, Wild Weather - The Genesis Flood & The Ice Age 61min seminar by Larry Vardiman
* The Great Dinosaur Mystery - full version by ChristianAnswers.Net
* William Dembski / Scott - The Diane Rehm Show
* William Lane Craig Debates:
o William Lane Craig vs. Ron Barrier (Real video) 2000, at the University of Saskatchewan.
o William Lane Craig vs. Peter Atkins (Real Video) What is the Evidence For/Against the Existence of God?
* World Site of Dinosaur Figurines of Mexico: evidence that dinosaurs and humans coexisted!
* Wyatt Archeological Research RealVideo Clips
* X-Nilo - a half-hour children's science show modeled after the Bill Nye science shows